The CD Howe Institute is trying to make working until you drop dead cool again.
"Canada should raise retirement age to 67 to address labour shortages: report"
#Canada #cdnpoli #CanadianPolitics #austerity #workersrights
#Labour campaigned on a vision of welfare reform that emphasized dignity, opportunity, and fixing a "broken system" - language that signalled improvement.
But months after their landslide victory, #austerity has emerged again. The reformed #PIP criteria excludes hundreds of thousands of disabled people. The Work Capability Assessment is to be abolished. Ppl under 22 with health conditions would be denied additional support & Winter Fuel Payments have been stripped from millions of pensioners
@Gillinger @huffpostuk @all-stories-huffpostuk lol, exactly! When did the Austerity stop?
The gaslighting fucks....
Next Wednesday, #Reeves is set to announce cuts to Whitehall budgets by billions in a move that could mean reductions of seven percent cent for certain departments, with economists warning it could harm key public services
It is hard not to call this #austerity
Today in Labor History March 20, 1985: The Bolivian authorities sent in the army to crush a General Strike. Workers had launched the strike in response to austerity measures by the Siles Zuazo administration. They demanded higher wages, stable food supplies, price controls and the president’s resignation. At the time, inflation was 3,400%. 10,000 miners filled the streets of La Paz each day. The General Strike lasted 16 days and spread to Santa Cruz and Chuquisaca. On March 24, the miners accepted a government offer to quadruple the minimum wage. They eventually forced Zuazo to resign.
"Since Austerity" — as if Austerity ever went away. Have the cuts imposed by George Osborne been recovered? Are those SureStart centres, libraries and youth clubs reopened, restaffed and re-resourced? Are those potholes fixed, hospitals built, schools repaired, school playing fields returned? Are the waiting times for social care services, GP appointments and hospital care back to 2010 figures?
This is Austerity upon Austerity.
There are hard choices to be made and don’t worry, Starmer and Reeves will make it easier for us, oh I mean them
Operation Chainsaw to punish the Poor for the crime of existing.
Sure that'll win them votes, everybody loves Austerity, right?
"Punish us, but leave the Rich, they've done nothing wrong!"/s
Trump’s AG Dept has halted 100s of $Ms worth of deliveries to food banks. USDA had previously allocated $500M in deliveries to them for fiscal year 2025 through Emergency Food Asst Prgm. Food bank leaders: many of those orders: CXL -on top of $1B CXL last week for school lunch purchases from loc farms.
Every GOP Senator & Rep must be asked if they support AMERICANSGOING HUNGRY.
We'll have starving childrenbc of the #TrumpMusk regime's #austerity plan.
#Hunger #USPol
@ScottishGreens that is gaslighting and that is abuse, shame on you Sarwar!
We know what we can see, how dare they try fascist tricks on us!
Labour doesn't want our dirty left-wing progressive votes, so we should oblige them.
Every election before the big one, tell Labour what you think, with your vote.
Humanity's Future is a boot in the face.
Unless you're a sellout like the Labour Front Bench.
"woo-hoo, guest spot in the DJ booth at Ibiza, I'm a Serious Person! Oh no, now the Poor are sad!"
They'll lose the next election.
People will be turned off from voting because "they're all the same"
Fascism will win over Centrism, just like it did in the US.
They know this in Labour, but they don't care, they're in it for themselves, not the Nation.
Those Whatsapps conversations told us all we need to know about these Politicians
Elon Musk’s DOGE is tearing through the US government with disastrous consequences.
But beyond its borders, the extreme right is gearing up to push their own DOGE-inspired austerity campaigns in countries around the world.
The Immoral Mr Starmer
"Tough shit Disableds, get back into work you lazy freaks"
When the tories fake more concern for the Public than you fake...
Oh, the great Moral Starmer is taxing hospices now, instead of taxing the rich....
PMQs, Kemi Badenoch fails (naturally) and the only opposition to Austerity coming from Labour back benchers like Diane Abbott
When ever these British Establishment creeps start pontificating on the 'moral case' for harming people I always think of some British Empire drone, lecturing some dominated population about the moral case for letting them starve while all their food is shipped away for profit
Shit like this...
Immoral Starmer wants us little people to suffer so his rich friends can profit.
If he's going to for some 'moral high ground' he is more deluded than we thought.
"It's morally right to make the Poor suffer and let the Rich off their Taxes, I can bend the meanings of words like JD Vance, I'm a good person"