True, pastures are flourishing this year!
Also true, 2 years ago we had nation wide the worst drought ever and heat has hell. #Montevideo, the capital was without "good" water than, never happened before.
So this is, as the arcticle states, just a part of weather extrems. Actually, the calimate of #Uruguay and the one of capital #BuenosAires and Provincia of Buenos Aires as well as #EntreRios Province are quite the same. The fact that #Argentina is much bigger simply makes that the nation wide reoprt is different.
It looks like weather patterns run from south to north and vice versa over here, with the Rocky Andes as a barrier, and a subtropic frontier around the border with #Brazil. So this year we have the cold coming from the #Antarctic reagion pasing over the #Argentine #Pampa a lot.
Actually journalist @gusdelsur published a toot a few days ago about the cold #austral" summer this year: