Durdraw 0.29.0 has been released! New features include Durview, (an artpack viewer with 16colo.rs integration), custom character sets, better handling of large files, and more. Check it out at https://github.com/cmang/durdraw
Did one of my dorfs work themselves to death in the smelter workshop?
Let’s get ready for the first day of Lovebyte!
Join the live-stream on Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/lovebytedemoparty) and get more info at https://lovebyte.party.
@nikclayton @LySioS @Jeremiah makes sense...
Personally I prefer #B612Mono, but then again #LEXEND or #B612 may be a more sensible default choice for many.
#OpenDyslexic is a very extreme example, #Atkinson tries to be more subtile...
There are also other fonts like #DIN1451 * and #FE-Schrift, but they have way lesser glyphs (FE doesn't even cover #ASCII)...
ascii-map to svg tiles tries to take text files that can be kind of ugly and convert them to nicer looking svg tiles.
But it can be difficult to open up your notepad or textedit and start busting out an ascii map. One of the issues is most? text editors have forgotten about what use to be called "block editing mode" Imagine the text editor worked more like a paint editor, but instead of painting pixels, you painted characters.
Here are some online ascii editors that are more for drawing with ascii. And, I might add, it is possible to make beautiful text only maps, especially if you include ANSI. See image 1.
Your Musk Factoid of the Day:
People curious about Elon Musk's weird obsession with the capital letter, "X," may be shocked to learn that the ASCII code for a capital X is "88."
The letter "H" is eighth in the English alphabet, so, 88 is HH -- Nazi code for Heil Hitler.
If it salutes like a Nazi, conducts a blitzkrieg on a government like a Nazi, and uses Nazi symbols, it's no wonder Nazis follow it.
#Musk #Nazis #ASCII #TuckersBalls
A recent experiment. I made an "ascii automata" which on click places a random glyph, then analyzes if the character "touches" any of the glyph edges, then places another random character which continues the edge connection, and so forth, until it places a character that doesn't touch any edges. I made it so that you can mix and match different character sets from the dropdown menu (or load your own as png).
You can play with it at:
#Playing ZORK on End of The Line BBS:
You can play a lot of Infocom games there, & save your progression.
I'm taking a lot of notes. Playing in a dark place only lightened by some diode lights. The cat sleeps in a cardboard box nearby with all 4 irons in the air. What a scene! :0)
#zork #infocom #adventure #text #games #gaming #retrogaming #retrocomputing
#BBS #BBSing #ssh #EndOfTheLineBBS #bulletinboards #textmode #ANSI #ASCII #terminal #retrocomputing #oldschool
In the old #ASCII days, you could change a letter between upper and lower case by XORing its character code with 0x20. Of course, if you tried this with anything that wasn't a letter, you'd get nonsense results.
If you try that with #Unicode code points, it sometimes works, and sometimes doesn't. But Unicode can deliver much more impressive nonsense when it doesn't.
A fun example I just found: the "lower-case" version of CAR is NO PEDESTRIANS.
>>> chr(ord('') ^ 0x20)
ASCII pr0n that I made a while back by tracing a photo with ASCII characters. I recently dug up the ASCII art and used lolcat to give it a trippy rainbow colorscheme.