Grateful Dead - Workingman's Dead (Warner, 50th anniversary remaster, first released 1970)
Back to my comprehensive listening/cataloging "project", recharged by an upgraded amp that has me hearing old records anew. If you forced me to choose a single favorite GD studio album, this is probably it. (or the other classic from later that year, which I'm actually listening to now, but can't keep up)
BTW, if you like this album half as much as I do and haven't heard the Deadcast season 1 deep dive, I can't recommend it highly enough:
@BEK97 @vinylrecords I'm by no means a Deadhead, but I'm with you - my favorite studio album. Every tune is a winner.
Funny story, my dad was a university admin, and a dad was inquiring about his son's progress - he should have been nearing graduation. As it turns out, the kid had been taking his tuition money and following the GD for years! For context, that was back when a university education wasn't nearly as costly as today, but still... I always wondered what happened to that kid!
@cratedigger resourceful kid. There's some things you can't learn in school (says a college prof/admin;)